
Legal Goodness is an online store that provides downloadable contract templates and educational information for those who choose to prepare their own legal and business documents. 

Legal Goodness is not a law firm, nor a replacement for an attorney. Legal Goodness will not perform services provided by an attorney nor provide legal advice on the use of its products. No attorney-client relationship is formed via use of Legal Goodness websites for any reason including viewing content or purchasing products.

The products sold on Legal Goodness, including Legally Good Club, are prepared for the general public and are designed for DIY or do it yourself use. If you require specific modifications to our templates, detailed explanations, legal advice or strategy, hire an attorney in your jurisdiction to assist you.

LGC is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as any kind of specific professional advice. We aim to keep our content as accurate as possible but make no guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness, availability or applicability of any of our content or products. LGC does not provide tax or financial adviceYou should seek the advice of a qualified professional when necessary to make legal, tax, personal, financial or business decisions. 

Legal Goodness makes every effort to maintain its legal templates, forms, videos and guides and keep them current and accurate. However, due to the nature of changing federal and state laws, Legal Goodness cannot guarantee that the products will meet your expectations for completeness or accuracy or that they will be error-free. You understand that the products are offered “AS IS” and you accept any and all risk with their use as further outlined in our Terms of Use linked below:

Legally Good Club Terms of Use

Legal Goodness Terms of Use


50% Complete

Two Step

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